No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

School Activities & Events


• New year celebration with our patients and little children made filled our hearts with peace and hope for the future.
• On 12th July we were happy to welcome our Spanish Volunteers who had come to stay and to experience our mission.they stayed for twenty days their stay broght lot of joy and happiness to sisters,patients and children.we appreciate their generous heart and helping hand.
• On August 15th we celebrated Independence day and also the feast of Queen ship of Our beloved mother.Rev.Sr.Maria Anthonia had come to visit our community.we were glad towelcome her hern presence added more joy to our community.
• Feast of St.Francis of Assisi. on October 4th at 10.30 pm His Lordship most Rev. Govindu Joji D.D. The Bishop of Nalagonda together with Rev.Msgr. Fr arogyam have celebrated the mass many fathers, sister, staff students ,and the patients of leprosy health centre, and the faithful have taken part in the Eucharistic celebration.
• On 4th our Mother General Rev.Sr.Anuska and her councilor Rev.Sr.Clara came along with our Provincial Rev.Sr.Alice had come visit our community.we welcomed them with lot of joy and happiness.wethanked them for their great support and love for our mission which theuy expressed.
• On 11th November 2017 at 10.30 am His Lordship most Rev. Govindu Joji D.D. The Bishop of Nalgonda together with Rev.Msgr. Fr Arogyam offered mass for 4th Death Anniversary of Rev.Fr.Luigi Pezzoni. Many fathers, sisters, staff, Children, patients of leprosy health centre and the faithful have taken part in the Eucharistic celebration. We prayed for his soul and we remembered the good works that he rendered for all the people of different kind.