No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

Harapanahalli Community

Harapanahalli is a town in Bellary district in the Indian state of Karnataka; Harapanahalli is third biggest town in Bellary district next to Harihar. Harapanahalli has an average literacy rate of 55% lower than national average of 59.5 % Harapanahalli. The surrounding 3 Taluk (Agribomnahalli, Hadahalli and Harapanahalli) had no Hospital to care of the leprosy patients .

The people of the area are mixed religion most of them are Hindus and Muslims, in the midst of them we were called to evangelize, The families are uneducated and therefore parents did not encourage the children to study, as a result many school dropout. The poor economic conditions and unavailability of educational centers, so the sisters felt need to accommodate these children and provide them with basic education. So sisters started a free boarding in the year 1994 with a minimum facility. In the year 2004 sisters started to work for the promotion of women in different villages by creating a self-help groups for the sustainability of families with help of diocese of Bellary.


"To rediscover the evangelical values and witnessing Christ to the new humanity."


"Our way of life had to manifest the experience of goodness focus towards the common project.”


• Being transparent in our accountability,
• Being conscious of the common goods
• Our genuine serve towards the poor and marginalize

Organizational chart