No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

Vocation Promotion

"Come And See..... And Experience the Life of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate"


"Always aware of the continuous call of the Lord we give special preference to the vocational promotion and we engage ourselves in it with hope and enthusiasm. We welcome in our fraternity all those moved by the Spirit come to us in order to know our way of life". ( G.C. 73)

The Religious vocation undoubtedly is a gift which comes from God. But it demands co-operation both from the person called and the whole community. Vocation is not a miracle. it must be tended and nurtured in favourable environment if it is to become and deeply rooted and strong enough to blossom into the life of total environment.

Vocation promotion is an aspect of pastoral concern mainly for youth and therefore it is a specific mission of our Congregation. and every community is called to pledge itself to this mission by prayer, evangelical witness of communion and service.

Specific Objective:
“We assume, with joy, our personal differences as a sign of the richness and diversity of the gifts of the Spirit, and we try to foster every day a more united fraternity”. (G.C.. 1V,19)

We are called to challenge ourselves to renew our commitment to energize and to revitalize our vocation, which will enable us to be effective in our ministry and fruitful in fraternal and apostolic life.

We educate our children and youth in confidence, simplicity, goodness, joy and dialogue, so that they may be able to live in friendship, always open to the creation, we help them to acquire a moral, intellectual and human formation ,within responsible atmosphere, that favors a critical and creative spirit, so that they become liberators in their own environment. GC: V: 32

To expand the charisma of Mother Francisca by inviting and/ encouraging youth to participate/help in the missionary activities.

Ongoing formation, fraternal encounter and gatherings, celebrations.
To promote vocational culture, to build a Fraternity that welcomes and serves the poor and is open to new challenges.
Witness of life of Jesus Poor and Crucified
Announcing Peace with our Actions and Attitudes
Living a committed life that attracts others to follow Christ.
Living one’s own vocation in fullness
Sharing the richness of our Vocation especially with Youth.

Organizing Vocation Promotion Camps
Visiting Families, Parishes, Schools etc ….
Co-responsibility of tasks in the community
Systematic study of the Congregation- documents
Seminars and Encounters with Local Vocation promoters