No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025


"I have chosen you to be with me... and to send you out to preach..." (Mk 3:14)

Description of the stage:
It is the last stage of initial formation, where the integral formation continues, joining the community’s juniors deepens and clarifies their personal qualities, unite and surrender their life in the love of Jesus Christ and for His Kingdom and within the project of the Congregation, at the end through the perpetual profession definitely to opt for Jesus.

General Objectives:
The aim of this period is to enable the junior sister to grow, mature in her vocation
She experiences the demands of the gospel integrating the experience of merciful God, the life of the fraternity and the formation for the mission.
She receives a professional and pastoral formation in order to take a fundamental and definitive option of her life.

Specific Objective:
To be able to follow the "Vital Option" made by her through

Learning to face the conflicts
Overcoming obstacles
Assuming responsibilities
Achieving goals in order to reach to a definitive option, in fidelity to God of the history and taking responsibility in her formation task.

Important requirements for the Juniorate Period
She solicits, every year, to the respective Major superior and councillors, the renewal of her vows and when the period is over then to proceed with final vows
The junior will be inserted in the fraternities
The juniors will initiate or will accomplish the theological- pastoral and professional formation required for the mission.

According to the Constitution, Canon Law and having in account the personal situation of each junior.