No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025
About Us

Charism, Apostolate, Spirituality

The Charism of FSI is Option for the poor, merciful presence and living in the fraternity. Following the Franciscan Spirituality, we take up different Apostolate like Education of the normal children, visually impaired, mentally challenged, hearing impaired children, care of the Leprosy patients, care of the elderly, medical care, Evangelization and any urgent needs of the church.

The Charism of the Congregation is still alive in the works of Evangelization, the Education of the Children giving priority to special Education (hearing and visual impaired, mentally challenged), attention to the Leprosy Patients, Medical aid, Orphanages, Aged homes, Promotion of Women, Pastoral Care and those deserved in the society.

We are working in 12 Countries and 4 Continents. The Generalate is in Valencia, Spain. At present, there are 350 sisters in the Congregation. There are Three Provinces and one Delegation and Communities directly depend on General House.