No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025
(1833- 1903)

Mother Francisca Pascual Domenech

Mother Francisca was born on October 13th in 1833, at a small Orchard village called Moncada, Valencia, Spain. Her parents Jaime Pascual and Mariana Domenech Montagud were a simple family, a small farm was the only means of their livelihood. She lived her childhood in an atmosphere of family love and understanding, mutual help and trust in the Divine Providence. She attended the primary school, which was "sufficient" for her family- village and socio-cultural environment.

In those days, the woman neither did have too many possibilities, nor the society demanded to study. At the age of twelve, she worked as a domestic worker due to the precarious situation of the family. In the middle of the 19th century there was a social change in the country leading to the rise in industries and thus Francisca went to work in the industry like any other workers.

Francisca was outstanding for her practical sense and openness, gained at once confidence, love, affection of the rest of the group.he circumstances made good use of her to take consciousness of the necessity of culture and of living the faith in community, defending their rights, etc.

TThis experience of friendship and the life shared with her co-worker, helped to confirm her vocation and years later on it carried her to the "Beaterio" to search for a Fraternity.

Right from the beginning, Francisca felt that her vocation was to dedicate herself to the service of women who were in most need. At the age of 30 she decided to join the Congregation of "Adoratrices" but since she had to pay money (Dowry), couldn't join them. She then decided to join the "Beaterio". It was in 1863, she started her life of Consecration.

Little by little in the silence of prayer and the analysis of the historical realities, it has seen that the will of God as the REFORM of the "Beaterio". the difficulties to carry out this project was strong and vigorous. Thus, on 27th February 1876 founded the Fraternity along with 13 members from Beaterio. The Motto of Mother Francisca is " If the love of God is not expanded to the neighbours it would be a farce".

She knew for certain that the abandonment and love are expansive that life sprouts out from life. Around the sisters of her fraternity she always created a consciousness of sharing all that they have, on favouring and helping the poor. The principal mission always is EVANGELIZATION.

On 26th April 1903, just two years after the approval of the Congregation Mother Francisca died at Moncada her native place with the same trust and simplicity with which she had lived. Her work, the intuition of the fraternal and merciful love which God had inspired to her, she had left it at the hands of her sisters.