No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

Community History

Gottegere is a village in Bannerghatta Road Bangalore district Karnataka State in India. It has an average literacy rate of 40 percent in the year 1990. People who are settled in this area are from different parts of India, with a very poor economic background, their main livelihood is farming and shepherding. Most of the people speak languages like kanada,Tamil, telugu etc.During those years children were left behind without formal education ,women's basic rights were denied , existence of superstitious beliefs causing destruction of the families .

In the year 1990 the communities of Jyothi bhavan was established for the purpose of formation of novices, pastoral activity and help the poor and upliftment of women and children in the area. The first community sisters were Sr.Elsy k.y, Sr. Nirmala Madanu and Sr. Maria Goretti. The first batch of novices were Sally,Arogyam. P, Agnes Aduru , Sleeve and Linda .

The inspiration that sisters had when they started the mission is to have the formation house, promotion of women, boarding for the poor children those who are going to school, dispensary for poor people, day care centre for the children of domestic works, Adyathma Nilaya ( a house for an on going Formation prayer and Retreats).