No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

Activities & Events

1st January 2017 [New Year celeb ration]
The flowers bloom to spread their sweet fragrance; the bird sings to eco their melodies of praise. The human being enjoys the beauty of all this creation above all the gift. The New Year brings new hope, joy peace and love of celebration. We had wonderful experience through Eucharistic celebration; it gave us new hope and new strength and one more chance to thank God for the past year and binging with us in all our ups and down.

17th February 2017 [visit of our General councilors]
On this day we thank our God for the marvelous day, for bringing safe and sound our general Councilors Sr.Lucy Augustine and Sr. Hilda Davalos to our community, we well come them with flower and boutu. We had small prayer service and we shared our joys through our meal. They visited all the centers and we to see hospital. Next day early morning they left Bathalapalli. We thank God for their presence in our mist.

26th February 2017
On this day we the community of Bathalapalli and Kadiri had gone out to horsily hills, along with us our councilors Sr.Nakshatram and Sr. Belinda were present with us. We enjoyed our day just being together, we thank our lord for give us this day.

27 February 2017 [Fraternity Day]
“The fraternal life is a life for happiness. The option of life in community would denaturalize if it were to be style of life of mistrust “says M.Francisca Fraternity is our first vacation, it is the place of mercy and gift and fraternity is our heritage. We had prayer service in the morning, we prayed for our self and all the sisters of our congregation.

28th February 2017 [visit of our councilors]
On this day our Sr. Nakshatram and Sr. Belinda came to our community. They shared with us meal and in the evening they left Bangalore, we thank God for their presence.

16 June 2017 {pilgrimage to velankanni]]
Mary, like the saints, can hear our prayers. She has a special connection to Jesus Christ as His mother, and therefore we believe she can intercede for us. There is also substantial evidence that Mary has delivered revelations to people throughout history, and she remains active in our world today. Countless miracles are attributed to her intercession. Having great love for our mother we the communities of Bathalapalli and Kadiri went for pilgrimage to Velankanni along with some family members Pilgrimage was nice and it was wonderful experience.

15 August [Feast of the Assumption of Mary and Independence Day]
August 15 is the feast day of the Assumption of Mary, which is an important day on the Church calendar. On this day each year, Catholics celebrate the assumption of Mary into heaven. The dogma of the assumption of Mary is ancient. In the early days of the Church, writings suggest that Mary did not die, or that her tomb was empty, just as Christ's was. There was debate over whether she physically suffered death. There remains disagreement over this matter to this day. But ancient sources agree that she was assumed into heaven. Moring we had special prayer service we also thank God for the service of Sr.Lucy in Bathalapalli community we prayed for her and wished for good future life .after the prayer service we went to hospital for the flag hosting after flag hosting Sr.Lucy went Bangalore.