No 11, Langford Gardens Bangalore 560025

Jyothi Bhavan Community

Life of the sisters in Community

We are spiritually nourished by Daily Eucharistic celebration, Deeper encounter with the Lord through reconciliation and recollections, Spiritual reading, personal prayer, etc.We experienced lot of joy and grow in the family spirit by sharing the community responsibilities, express our love by Caring for one another, sharing our joy and pain. Adjusting and celebrating the individual differences, accepting and forgiving one another.


"We help them to acquire a moral, intellectual and human formation within a responsible atmosphere that favors a critical and creative Spirit , so they become liberators in their own environment."


"We want to witness the merciful love of the Father in the formation work, educating the children of our surroundings and in our local church in a simple minor style."


"Awareness of God’s presence in daily life, Forgiveness and fidelity, Perseverance in prayer, Attentive listening, Reflection and active participation,Forgiveness, belongingness, Availability ,gentleness,Humility, patience and joy"

Organizational chart

RDTtrust run by Vincent De Ferrer. We sisters working as manger and in charge of special education centre’s in charge.